Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Large Female Anatomy Poolside at Aunt Nanny's

Last Saturday, we visited Aunt Nanny's house. Aunt Nanny is Bluto's mom. She's very tall, and used to be a model, but a couple of year ago after the change, she let herself go and gained a huge amount of weight. She probably weighs well over 220#. Steppin Bro's kids were over there, and Jawbitch hadn't returned from her last trip to Philadelphia, so I brought the kids. Bluto and Olive came by.

As we were sitting around the pool, Bluto reminsced about a pool party we had last year. One of Jawbitch's study club dentist girlfriends and her husband from the city came. Her girlfriend is a really attractive, blonde woman of czech descent. She looks like Zsa-zsa Gabor, but voluptuous. He's a tall, hansome dude with a pony tail from Pennsylvania. He used to be a bouncer out on the east end, but now is studying to become an architect. They have this phat, 46th floor apartment overlooking the East River.

Bluto: When is Jawbitch's really hot friend coming over your house for a swim?
G-man: I dunno. We'll probably have a pool party near the end of the summer. I'll ask Jawbitch to invite her & let you know if she's coming.
Bluto: Boy, her husband really hit the jackpot when he hooked up with her.
Steppin Bro: Yeah, you ain't lyin'. Before that, he was sucking balls and shooting heroin.
Bluto: Yeah, when he found her, he was probably like, "Yatchzee!"

Just then, Aunt Nanny walks out in her bathing suit, with her shorts pulled up high over the top of her large tummy.

Steppin Bro: Hey Aunt Nanny, why don't you just pull your shorts up over your tits, huh?