Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Yet Another Wake-up Call

I just got shot down for another in-house job I applied for last month. I thought I had a pretty good shot because I met or exceeded all the requirements. But then the recruiter called and told me I was no longer being considered:

G-man: I'd like some clarification. Did you say I'm no longer being considered because of my law school, or because of my law firm? Please let me know, because as far as my career goes, while I can't change the school I graduated from, I can switch jobs
Recruiter: It was because of your law school. Right now they are only considering 1st or 2nd tier law school graduates. I'll let you know if that changes.
G-man: I guess they're not interested in atypical candidates like me who went to third tier law school at night while holding down a full time job, with a wife and kids and a mortgage. This strikes me as elitist and age discriminatory.