FiOS Customer Service
Chat Subject: FiOS Television (DVR)
Your Question: I can't program my DVR to record a show from the Web. I get error message: BAD GATEWAY
A Verizon Service Representative will be with you shortly. Thank you.(13:22:31)
Agent Sudheer has joined. (13:22:52)
Sudheer : Chat ID for this session is 11191089688. (13:22:52)
Sudheer(13:23:01): Thank you for visiting the Verizon FIOS technical chat support. My name is Sudheer. We thank you for your patience in reaching us.
G-Man(13:23:23): How's the weather in Mumbai Sudheer?
Sudheer(13:24:18): The weather here is Awesome Sir. However I am not in Mumbai, I am in the south eastern part of India.
Sudheer(13:24:23): Thank you for asking.
Sudheer(13:24:33): Are you from the state NY?
G-Man(13:24:56): Yes, I'm in Manhattan. I visited Madras once many years ago.
Sudheer(13:25:46): Great to hear that.
G-Man(13:27:09): It's getting cold here. About 9 C now
Sudheer(13:27:29): Wow
Sudheer(13:27:34): I would have been glad to continue the conversation with you however I will not be to. I would be glad to help. However, for your respective state my access to your records remain restricted. So, let me connect you to one of my colleagues from another technical team who will help you at the earliest.
G-Man(13:27:48): ok, nice chatting
Sudheer(13:28:08): Same here.
Sudheer(13:28:14): Thank you for choosing Verizon and you have a great day.
G-Man(13:28:19): u2
Allen(14:30:29): Thank you for using Live Chat technical support, my name is Roger. I apologize for any delays in reaching an agent. I am also working with multiple systems at the same time, so please be patient if it takes a few moments for me to respond. One moment please.
Allen(14:30:59): For security purposes, can you provide your street address; including city and state, and a phone number you can be reached at right now on the account please?
Allen(14:32:58): Thanks, I will send you an email along with other valuable information about your FiOS service. Please check and download the new Verizon In-Home Agent advertised to your right when it is convenient for you.
Allen(14:36:33): so can you log into fiostv central?
G-Man(14:36:45): Yes, of course
Allen(14:38:03): okay I need to escalate this to another department. I am getting: User Id/Name not found in 'FiOS TV Central' database.
G-Man(14:39:21): Yeah, something's really borked.
Allen(14:42:51): what's the best number to reach you
Allen(14:45:49): NYEGXYZ is ticket number, someone will call you once issue is resolved. it may take up to 48 hours.
Allen(14:45:54): Great! I will be sending an email that you can use as an extra resource to resolve any issues you may have with FiOS services in the future, in addition to using the In-Home Agent.
Allen(14:45:59): Please remember to visit and download our new FIOS support tool the In Home Agent, it will assist you solve most questions regarding your service. Simply follow the prompts to download and install.
Allen(14:45:59): You may receive a survey regarding this chat, based on your experience with me today I hope you can rate us a 10. Thank you for choosing Verizon. If you have any other questions, feel free to access live chat again, available daily 8am - 9p, CST or call us 24/7 at 1-888-553-1555.
G-Man(14:47:33): Well, by that time, the show will be over.
G-Man(14:48:26): It will be quicker for me to return to the premises and program the DVR directly, but thanks for your support.